Date |
Event(s) |
1 | 1900 | - 1900—1900: School leaving age in Britain raised to 14 years
2 | 1901 | - 1901—1901: Hubert Cecil Booth patents the vacuum cleaner
- 12 Dec 1901—12 Dec 1901: First successful radio transmission across the Atlantic, by Marconi - Morse
code from Cornwall to Newfoundland
3 | 1902 | - 1902—1902: Marie Curie discovers radioactivity
4 | 1906 | - 1906—1906: Introduction of free school meals for poor children
5 | 1907 | - 1907—1907: First airship flies over London
6 | 1908 | - 1 Jul 1908—1 Jul 1908: SOS became effective as an international signal of distress
7 | 1909 | - 25 Jul 1909—25 Jul 1909: Bleriot flies across the Channel (36 minutes, Calais to Dover)
8 | 1912 | - 14 Apr 1912—14 Apr 1912: The 'unsinkable' Titanic sinks on maiden voyage - loss of 1,513 lives
9 | 1914 | - 4 Aug 1914—4 Aug 1914: Britain declares war on Germany, citing Belgian neutrality as reason