Date |
Event(s) |
1 | 1830 | - 15 Sep 1830—15 Sep 1830: George Stephenson's Liverpool & Manchester Railway opened by the Duke of
Wellington ? first mail carried by rail, and first death on the railway as William Huskisson, a
leading politician, is run over!
2 | 1834 | - 18 Mar 1834—18 Mar 1834: 'Tolpuddle Martyrs' transported (to Australia) for Trades Union activities
- 1 May 1834—1 May 1834: Slavery abolished in British possessions
3 | 1836 | - 1836—1836: First Potato famine in Ireland
4 | 1837 | - 1 Jul 1837—1 Jul 1837: Compulsory registration of Births, Marriages & Deaths in England & Wales -
Registration Districts were formed covering several parishes; initially they had the same
boundaries as the Poor Law boundaries set up in 1834
5 | 1840 | - 10 Jan 1840—10 Jan 1840: Uniform Penny Postage introduced nationally
6 | 1841 | - 6 Jun 1841—6 Jun 1841: June 6: First full census in Britain in which all names were recorded (Population 18.5M)
7 | 1843 | - 1843—1843: First Christmas card in England
8 | 1851 | - 1 May 1851—1 May 1851: Great exhibition of the works of industry of all nations ('Crystal Palace' exhibition) opened in Hyde Park
9 | 1853 | - 1853—1853: Vaccination against smallpox made compulsory in Britain
10 | 1854 | - 1854—1854: Cigarettes introduced into Britain
- 25 Oct 1854—25 Oct 1854: Battle of Balaklava in Crimea (charge of the Light Brigade)
11 | 1859 | - 24 Nov 1859—24 Nov 1859: Charles Darwin publishes 'The Origin of Species'
12 | 1862 | - 20 Apr 1862—20 Apr 1862: First pasteurisation test completed by Louis Pasteur and Claude Bernard
13 | 1863 | - 10 Jan 1863—10 Jan 1863: First section of the London Underground Railway opens
14 | 1865 | - 14 Apr 1865—14 Apr 1865: End of American Civil War - slavery abolished in USA
15 | 1868 | - 1868—1868: Last convicts landed in Australia (Western Australia)
16 | 1869 | - 1869—1869: Ball bearings, celluloid, margarine, and washing machines, all invented
17 | 1870 | - 1870—1870: Water closets come into wide use
18 | 1872 | - 1872—1872: Penalties introduced for failing to register births, marriages & deaths (Eng & Wales)
19 | 1874 | - 5 Apr 1874—5 Apr 1874: Birkenhead Park opened, said to be the first civic public park in the world - features of it later copied in Central Park, New York
20 | 1876 | - 14 Feb 1876—14 Feb 1876: Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray each file a patent for the telephone - Bell awarded the rights
21 | 1878 | - 1878—1878: Edison & Swan invent electric lamp
22 | 1880 | - 1880—1880: Education Act: schooling compulsory for 5-10 year olds