Date |
Event(s) |
1 | 1616 | - 23 Apr 1616—23 Apr 1616: Tuesday Apr 23 (Julian calendar): Death of Shakespeare
2 | 1620 | - 21 Dec 1620—21 Dec 1620: (Dec 16 old style): The Mayflower reaches America - founds Plymouth, New
England (had initially set sail from Southampton on Aug 5)
3 | 1622 | - 1622—1622: First English newspaper appeared - Weekly News'
4 | 1635 | - 1635—1635: Flintlock small arms invented around this time (replaces matchlock)
5 | 1640 | - 3 Nov 1640—3 Nov 1640: Charles I forced to recall Parliament (the 'Long Parliament') due to Scottish
6 | 1642 | - 22 Aug 1642—22 Aug 1642: Charles I raises his standard at Nottingham - First Civil War in England (to
7 | 1644 | - 2 Jul 1644—2 Jul 1644: Battle of Marston Moor, near York - Parliamentarian forces beat the Royalists
8 | 1645 | - 14 Jun 1645—14 Jun 1645: Battle of Naseby: Parliament's New Model Army crushes the Royalist forces
9 | 1648 | - 1648—1648: Society of Friends (Quakers) founded by George Fox
- 1648—1648: First practical thermometers made
10 | 1649 | - 30 Jan 1649—30 Jan 1649: King Charles I executed
11 | 1650 | - 1650—1650: Coffee brought to England about this time
12 | 1653 | - 16 Dec 1653—16 Dec 1653: Oliver Cromwell becomes Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England,
Scotland and Ireland
13 | 1658 | - 3 Sep 1658—3 Sep 1658: Death of Oliver Cromwell
14 | 1660 | - 1660—1660: Commonwealth registers ended, Parish Registers resumed
- 28 Nov 1660—28 Nov 1660: Twelve men, including Christopher Wren, Robert Boyle, John Wilkins, and Sir
Robert Moray decide to found what is later known as the Royal Society
15 | 1662 | - 1662—1662: Tea introduced to Britain
16 | 1664 | - 27 Aug 1664—27 Aug 1664: Nieuw Amsterdam becomes New York as 300 English soldiers under Col.
Mathias Nicolls take the town from the Dutch under orders from Charles II. The town is
renamed after the King's brother James, Duke of York
17 | 1665 | - 1665—1665: Great Plague of London (July-October) kills over 60,000
18 | 1666 | - 2 Sep 1666—2 Sep 1666: Great Fire of London, after a drought beginning 27 June (2-6 Sep)
19 | 1668 | - 1668—1668: Newton constructs reflecting telescope
20 | 1679 | - 27 May 1679—27 May 1679: Habeas Corpus Act becomes law in England - (later repealed from time to
21 | 1681 | - 1681—1681: Oil lighting first used in London streets
22 | 1682 | - 1682—1682: Halley observes the comet which bears his name
23 | 1687 | - 5 Jul 1687—5 Jul 1687: Newton published his Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica' - written
in Latin
24 | 1688 | - Feb 1688—Feb 1688: Edward Lloyd's Coffee House opens - later became Lloyd's of London
25 | 1692 | - 13 Feb 1692—13 Feb 1692: The massacre of Glencoe - Clan Campbell sides with King William and
murders members of Clan McDonald
26 | 1697 | - 2 Dec 1697—2 Dec 1697: Official opening of St Paul's Cathedral
27 | 1698 | - 1698—1698: Invention of steam engine by Capt Thomas Savery
28 | 1702 | - 11 Mar 1702—11 Mar 1702: First English daily newspaper The Daily Courant (till 1735)
29 | 1703 | - 4 Aug 1703—4 Aug 1703: British take Gibraltar
30 | 1705 | - 1705—1705: First workable steam pumping engine devised by Thomas Newcomen (some say c1710
or 1711)
31 | 1707 | - 16 Jan 1707—16 Jan 1707: Union with Scotland - Scots agree to send 16 peers and 45 MPs to English
Parliament in return for full trading privileges - Scottish Parliament meets for the last time in
32 | 1712 | - 1712—1712: Last trial for witchcraft in England (Jane Wenham)
33 | 1714 | - 1714—1714: Longitude Act: prize of ?20,000 offered to the inventor of a workable method of
determining a ship's longitude (won by John Harrison in 1773 for his chronometer).
34 | 1726 | - 1726—1726: Invention of the chronometer by John Harrison