Date |
Event(s) |
1 | 1682 | - 1682—1682: Halley observes the comet which bears his name
2 | 1687 | - 5 Jul 1687—5 Jul 1687: Newton published his Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica' - written
in Latin
3 | 1688 | - Feb 1688—Feb 1688: Edward Lloyd's Coffee House opens - later became Lloyd's of London
4 | 1692 | - 13 Feb 1692—13 Feb 1692: The massacre of Glencoe - Clan Campbell sides with King William and
murders members of Clan McDonald
5 | 1697 | - 2 Dec 1697—2 Dec 1697: Official opening of St Paul's Cathedral
6 | 1698 | - 1698—1698: Invention of steam engine by Capt Thomas Savery
7 | 1702 | - 11 Mar 1702—11 Mar 1702: First English daily newspaper The Daily Courant (till 1735)
8 | 1703 | - 4 Aug 1703—4 Aug 1703: British take Gibraltar
9 | 1705 | - 1705—1705: First workable steam pumping engine devised by Thomas Newcomen (some say c1710
or 1711)
10 | 1707 | - 16 Jan 1707—16 Jan 1707: Union with Scotland - Scots agree to send 16 peers and 45 MPs to English
Parliament in return for full trading privileges - Scottish Parliament meets for the last time in
11 | 1712 | - 1712—1712: Last trial for witchcraft in England (Jane Wenham)
12 | 1714 | - 1714—1714: Longitude Act: prize of ?20,000 offered to the inventor of a workable method of
determining a ship's longitude (won by John Harrison in 1773 for his chronometer).
13 | 1726 | - 1726—1726: Invention of the chronometer by John Harrison
14 | 1731 | - 1731—1731: Invention of sextant by John Hadley
15 | 1733 | - 1733—1733: Law forbidding the use of Latin in parish registers generally obeyed - some continued in
Latin for a few years
16 | 1739 | - 7 Apr 1739—7 Apr 1739: Dick Turpin, highwayman, hanged at York
17 | 1744 | - 1744—1744: Tune 'God Save the King' makes its appearance
18 | 1746 | - 16 Apr 1746—16 Apr 1746: Battle of Culloden - last battle fought in Britain - 5,000 Highlanders routed by
the Duke of Cumberland and 9,000 loyalists Scots - Young Pretender Charles flees to
Continent, ending Jacobite hopes forever - the wearing of the kilt prohibited
19 | 1752 | - 3 Sep 1752—3 Sep 1752: Julian Calendar dropped and Gregorian Calendar adopted in England and
Scotland, making this Sep 14
20 | 1754 | - 1754—1754: Hardwicke Act (1753): Banns to be called, and Printed Marriage Register forms to be
used - Quakers & Jews exempt
21 | 1755 | - 1755—1755: Publication of Dictionary of the English Language' by Dr Samuel Johnson
22 | 1762 | - 1762—1762: Cigars introduced into Britain from Cuba