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Fosters, c1900 - but who are they?
This photo was scanned from a copy, which simply states "Fosters" on the back. Since John Foster and his wife Letitia Stirret had 7 sons (excluding 1 infant death) and 1 daughter, this could be them. It was sent me by Mandy Foster, great granddaughter of Thomas, the eldest son. One of the men - but which one? - is my grandfather William Bruce Foster. The siblings were Tom, born 1867, William 1869, Letitia 1872, Roger 1874, James Edwin 1875, John 1877, Sidney 1881 and Albert 1883.
The 1877 John referred to above is the only brother for whom we KNOW we have photographs. The problem is that John was tall and very slim, and I do not recognise him here. It is possible that he had already emigrated (or was simply missing) when this photo was taken, and that one of the men is perhaps Letitia's husband Robert Jones.
A further possibility is that the woman in the picture is not Letitia, but is Tom's wife Jessie.
Owner of original | Amanda Bennett, nee Foster |
File name | grp_1900c_fosters.jpg |
File Size | 44.06k |
Dimensions | 731 x 482 |
Albums | Fosters |
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