Lancashire, UK


State/Province : Latitude: 53.9690089, Longitude: -2.6276908


Matches 1 to 25 of 27

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID   Tree 
1 Cartmell, John  Cal 1801Lancashire, UK I5320 Foster 
2 Cartmell, Mary  Abt 1838Lancashire, UK I5384 Foster 
3 Godber, Ann  Cal 1811Lancashire, UK I6996 Foster 
4 Heatley, Eliza  Abt 1841Lancashire, UK I2474 Foster 
5 Heatley, Elizabeth  Abt 1830Lancashire, UK I2473 Foster 
6 Heatley, Sarah  Abt 1825Lancashire, UK I2472 Foster 
7 Heatley, William  Cal 1822Lancashire, UK I2471 Foster 
8 Johnson, Christopher  Cal 1826Lancashire, UK I5397 Foster 
9 Johnson, Janett  May 1840Lancashire, UK I5404 Foster 
10 Kendall, Isabella  Abt 1826Lancashire, UK I1466 Foster 
11 Kendall, Margaret  Abt 1837Lancashire, UK I1467 Foster 
12 Lloyd, Ann  Cal 1832Lancashire, UK I2225 Foster 
13 Lloyd, John  Abt 1800Lancashire, UK I2221 Foster 
14 Lloyd, John  Cal 1829Lancashire, UK I2224 Foster 
15 Lyon, Mary Ellen  Abt 1811Lancashire, UK I202 Foster 
16 Martin, Nicholas  Cal 1833Lancashire, UK I5050 Foster 
17 Newby, Ann  Cal 1827Lancashire, UK I12006 Foster 
18 Newby, Ellen  Between 1821 and 1826Lancashire, UK I12005 Foster 
19 Newby, John  Between 1816 and 1821Lancashire, UK I12004 Foster 
20 Newby, Sarah  Between 1816 and 1821Lancashire, UK I12008 Foster 
21 Newby, Thomas  Between 1816 and 1821Lancashire, UK I12007 Foster 
22 Ormesher, C.S.   I5673 Foster 
23 Prescot, Elizabeth  Cal 1897Lancashire, UK I4855 Foster 
24 Prescot, James  Cal 1894Lancashire, UK I4854 Foster 
25 Singleton, Henry  Cal 1828Lancashire, UK I1143 Foster 

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Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Died    Person ID   Tree 
1 Sumner, Miles  Bef 13 Apr 1732Lancashire, UK I417 Foster 


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Buried    Person ID   Tree 
1 Sumner, Miles  13 Apr 1732Lancashire, UK I417 Foster