Welcome to Dave Foster's Geneaology site
My dad, Dave Foster, spent 16 years researching his and his wife Irene's family trees and building this site, he loved doing it! Sadly he died of COVID last year and in his honour, and because so many people have found the information he researched so useful over the years, I have taken the site over - or at least I'm doing my best! I'm Judy, Dave's daughter and the site has been down for almost a year whilst we tried to restore access. The site looks different because I had to use a template, unlike my dad I'm not a programmer, so I needed to keep it simple. All the people and information is still here - you can use the search bar at the top to find who you are looking for. There are 3 family trees in the site - the Foster family, the Hartwell family (Irene's) and the King family - friends of Dave and Irene, Trevor King and his wife Sue Bates - see bar on the right.